Ferry to  

The best offers to Malaga

If you are thinking about crossing the Mediterranean with a ferry to Malaga and your own car, Grupo Armas Trasmediterránea provides a unique service on board our state-of-the-art ferries. The ferry route from Melilla to the capital of the Costa del Sol offers a comfortable crossing with maximum safety aboard the Fortuny as you plough through the waves of the Mediterranean Sea.

Savings packages are available if you decide to sail with your car by ferry to Malaga. What’s more, with Grupo Armas Trasmediterránea, you are entitled to a significant reduction on your ticket price if you are under 12, between 12 and 25 (inclusive) or over 60.

Málaga (Málaga)
16,56 €

Connections to Malaga

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Details for the ferry to Malaga