Ferry to  
Al Hoceima

The best offers to Al Hoceima

If you want to travel with your own car by ferry to Al Hoceima, Grupo Armas Trasmediterránea offers the best service available for taking your vehicle safely and comfortably. Also, the ferries that cover the ferry route from Motril (Granada) heading to this Moroccan city provide services to make your journey across the Mediterranean a unique experience.

At Grupo Armas Trasmediterránea, we make things simple with discounts available if you decide to travel by ferry to Al Hoceima with your own vehicle, thanks to our savings packages. There are also significant reductions for ticket prices if you are under 12. We also have special discounts if you are sailing with a group of more than 10 people, but you must contact a salesperson in advance.

Motril (Granada)
Motril (Granada)
Al Hoceima
Al Hoceima
00,00 €
Al Hoceima

Connections to Al Hoceima

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Details for the ferry to Al Hoceima: