Armas Trasmediterránea*in accordance with (i) Regulation (EU) 2016/679, 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data of natural persons and the free movement of such data, (ii) the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and, (iii) other legislation in force on the matter, hereby informs users of the website (hereinafter, "the Website" or "Site"), or users of the "APP" (hereinafter, "the App"), the Privacy and Data Protection Policy that shall apply to the processing of the personal data that the User voluntarily and expressly provides when accessing its website or the corresponding mobile application.

*You can find the details of the companies at

By providing Armas Trasmediterránea with their personal data through the electronic forms on the Website and/or App, and where applicable, by ticking the corresponding acceptance box, users expressly consent to Armas Trasmediterránea to process their data under the terms of this Privacy and Data Protection Policy and for the purposes expressed herein.

Armas Trasmediterránea hereby informs the users of the Site that the personal data provided will only be processed by the companies that make up Armas Trasmediterránea provided that they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the determined, explicit and legitimate scope and purposes for which they were obtained and that they will be deleted when they are no longer necessary or relevant for said purpose or when requested by the data owner in the exercise of their right of erasure, provided that their data are not subject to compliance with a legal period of conservation.

Armas Trasmediterránea declares its commitment to comply with the legislation in force with regard to data protection at all times.

In this way, the personal data provided will be processed by Armas Trasmediterránea and used in accordance with the following information.

*Fields marked with an asterisk (*) included in the Site are compulsory in order to be able to deal with your request for assessment of the information you wish to provide us with.



NIF [Tax ID number]:A-35008853 / A-28018075

Mailing address:

  • Naviera Armas:Calle Doctor Juan Domínguez Pérez, nº 2, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35008, Gran Canaria.
  • Trasmediterránea: Avenida del Llano Castellano, nº13, 5º, 28034, Madrid

Contact address of the Data Protection Officer:


Armas Trasmediterránea processes the following personal data provided by users expressly and voluntarily, and which is accessed in the following ways:

  • Through the Website and/or App,
  • During the completion and subsequent sending of authorised forms;
  • On the form intended for the purchase of transport tickets,
  • During check-in processes,
  • In the contact request,
  • In satisfaction surveys, complaints and/or suggestions,
  • By interacting on our social media profiles:Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Blogspot,
  • Data transferred by third parties (travel agencies or other natural persons who request or contract, on their behalf, the services offered on the Website or App).

Users guarantee:(a) that all data (especially but not only those that are personal data) communicated through the Site are true and accurate that you communicate through the Web; (b) that such personal data either refer to you or you have permission of the data owner to share them; (c) and that they will keep the information provided to Armas Trasmediterránea up to date, so that it reflects the real situation at all times, and shall be exclusively responsible for any false or inaccurate statements they may make, as well as for any damage caused thereby to Armas Trasmediterránea or to third parties.

In some cases, personal data is provided directly by the user when subscribing to our website, when contacting us through the channels provided, responding to surveys, subscribing to our social media or interacting with us through these profiles by commenting on or sharing the content published on each profile.Your IP address will be obtained for purely statistical purposes.

You will find more detailed information about the processing of your personal data below.


Most of the data that we process have been obtained directly from you, without prejudice to the fact that we may have obtained other data provided by third parties such as travel agencies or other natural persons who request or contract products and/or services on your behalf through the website.In order for these third parties to have provided us with your data, they must have previously informed you of the purposes and other information in this privacy policy.In any case, and by way of example, the data we process are:

  • Contact: name, surname, email, identification document, telephone, locator and ticket number (optional).
  • Book now and check-in on-line: number of adults, large family discount, PRM (person with reduced mobility), registration, name, surname, ID, nationality, date of birth, Canary Islands resident, payment details (amazonpay, card or loyalty club).
  • Invoice issuing: ticket locator, name and surname, VAT number, address, postcode, town, email and telephone number.
  • Manage your trip: ticket number, document, username and password (if you access through the Armas Trasmediterránea Loyalty Club).



Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

  • Managing the contracted and/or requested service: managing and processing the purchase of your ticket and the loading process requested, issue and send an invoice for the transaction carried out, manage reservations, obtain check-in, manage discounts (for example, residents of the Canary Islands, Ceuta and/or Melilla) and send booking reminders, as well as other travel notices (cancellations, notices, etc.) which may be sent by electronic means or to the contact telephone numbers or e-mails provided.
  • Managing and administering the relationship between Users and Travel Agencies through the appropriate private areas: registration and management of users who register to manage bookings, purchases, cancellations.Administering and managing the relationship with the travel agency: reservations, purchases, cancellations on behalf of clients.
  • Improving the quality of our services: carrying out satisfaction surveys on the services received for the correct management of the quality of the services offered, and to improve them, as well as carrying out statistics or market studies and to process claims, complaints or suggestions.
  • Contact: dealing with requests via the contact form, managing calls for various user issues, including resolving incidents and dealing with requests.
  • Sending communications of a commercial nature, expressly requested:
    • Sending offers, promotions, invitations to events, discounts, information related to products and services marketed in the activity of Armas Trasmediterránea.
  • The Data Controller carries out assessments, profiling and segmentation work, based on the information available to them in order to tailor data processing in accordance with your characteristics or needs and thus be able to direct the most appropriate commercial actions to you.
  • Get to know you better and personalise your experience: interacting with customers through our app and on our social media profile pages.
  • Cookie management: maintaining the registered user login and shopping basket validity, providing statistics associated with the use of the website, location of our offices and anti-spam systems.
  • Preserving security and control: video surveillance by means of cameras installed on vessels or port facilities within the area of competence for facility security purposes, as well as vessel access controls for security and passenger control purposes.

Likewise, the legitimate bases for the processing will differ depending on the purpose for which we have collected your data, and these are:

  • Consent given by the user expressly by filling in the acceptance boxes and sending the different forms provided and, specifically, for:
    • High Private Area enabled.
    • Contact
    • Cookie management
    • Sending of commercial communications, by filling in data and ticking the corresponding acceptance boxes.If you do not wish to receive commercial communications, you may withdraw your consent by sending an e-mail with the subject "Unsubscribe" to, you may revoke your consent to receive commercial communications in all communications we send you.
    • Suggestions
  • Contractual execution or application of pre-contractual measures: for the management of the contracted and/or requested service, for the management and administration of user and travel agency relations through private areas, as well as for the management of complaints.
  • Legitimate interest: in order to know you better and personalise your experience based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller for the subsequent sending of commercial communications expressly requested based on your interests.Under no circumstances will we carry out automated individual decisions.Likewise, the data associated with satisfaction surveys will be processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in knowing our quality system and improving the provision of our services.The data associated with access control will be processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller in maintaining the security of persons, goods and facilities.
  • Legal obligation: compliance with current maritime transport regulations and, in particular:
    • Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 concerning the rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterways
    • Law 15/2014 of 24 July 2014 on Maritime Navigation
    • Royal Decree 145/1989, of 20 January, approving the national regulation for admission, handling and storage of hazardous materials in ports.
    • Royal Decree 724/2019, of 13 December, regulating the Log of persons travelling on board passenger ships and Royal Decree 1334/2012, of 21 September, on the reporting formalities required of merchant ships arriving at or departing from Spanish ports.
  • Public interest: for video surveillance for security purposes on premises or vessels and access controls.


The retention periods will vary depending on the purpose for which they were collected:

  • Data related to ticket purchases: they will be kept for the fulfilment of the legal deadlines in accordance with sectoral, commercial and tax regulations and, in any case, in compliance with legal deadlines for the prescription of possible legal actions.
  • Contact and Private Area registration data: as long as the relationship is maintained and erasure is not requested by data owners.
  • In order to improve the quality of our services: for the period required to fulfil the intended purpose and, in any case, in compliance with the legally established deadlines.
  • Data associated with your interaction on corporate profiles on social networks: for the period of time that you enable your publications on said social network.
  • Data related to commercial purposes: indefinitely as long as their deletion is not requested.
  • Please see our Cookie Policy for the validity of each cookie.
  • Video surveillance and access control data will be kept for a maximum period of 1 month and, in any case, in compliance with the legally established deadlines.


The following transfers of data are expected in managing the trip:

  1. To public administration bodies with competence in the field of transport for possible inspections, bodies with competence in taxation for the management of passenger invoicing, bodies with competence in the field of consumer affairs to deal with possible complaints from passengers.
  2. To the Law Enforcement Bodies and Courts to respond to their requirements or proceedings in relation to incidents occurring in the trip and in relation to video surveillance and access controls.
  3. To port authorities for customs management.
  4. To financial and credit institutions for the management of possible incidents occurring in the payment or invoicing of tickets.
  5. To insurance companies for the purpose of handling claims for incidents during transport.
  6. To the Customer’s country of destination.If your data protection regulations are not equivalent to European regulations, your data may be subject to international data transfer for the purpose of managing your entry into that country, for controls or other governmental entities or Port Authorities of the country of travel destination.The purchase of the ticket implies the express consent to the execution of these transfers, which are compulsory by virtue of the fulfilment of legal obligations in these countries and by virtue of the established contractual relationship.
  7. Social media headlines: Armas Trasmediterránea uses Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube social networks: interaction with users through these profiles or tools involves the international transfer of data of an analytical and technical nature in relation to the website and network profiles, and the company processes the data provided by users using these profiles on its servers.
  8. Web analytics service managers: Armas Trasmediterránea uses web analytics services and, among others, has enabled Google Analytics services provided by Google LLC. Interaction with users through this tool involves an international transfer of data of an analytical and technical nature in relation to the Site, provided that users have accepted the enabling of these cookies through the configuration panel.
  9. International transfers of data to countries outside the European Economic Area may occur, in which case the transfer will be based on an adequacy decision supported by the Agency or with appropriate safeguards under Regulation (EU) 2016/679.You can consult the list of these Suppliers by sending an email to


You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and limitation or opposition and, where appropriate, withdraw your consent by contacting us:

  • By letter addressed to: Armas Trasmediterránea, with address at Avenida del Llano Castellano, nº13, 5º, 28034, Madrid
  • By e-mail to:

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority if you believe that your Data Protection rights may have been infringed:Spanish Data Protection Agency (


Armas Trasmediterránea, as the party responsible for the Website, and in accordance with the provisions of Organic ACU 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and other current legislation on the protection of personal data, and by Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures to guarantee security in data processing in order to avoid  alteration, loss, theft, unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the state of technology and the nature of the data stored.

The Site has the SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layer) in order to guarantee the security of data transmission between your browser and our Site.

The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted in encrypted form, which ensures that it is only intelligible to the user's device and that of the Site.Thus, by using the SSL protocol, it is guaranteed:

  • That the user is communicating their data to the Site's server centre and not to any other server.
  • That data is transmitted between the user and the Site in encrypted form, preventing its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.

To verify that you are in a safe environment, you can:

  • Check that the Website address begins with https://
  • Check that a padlock icon appears in the address bar of your browser

Verify the presence of the SSL certificate by checking the Site properties on your browser, for which you should consult its characteristics.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is French, English and Spanish. No automatically translated version or translated version found in the Internet using a search engine shall be valid.


Armas Trasmediterránea reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.


This Privacy Policy is governed by Spanish law.In the event of any dispute or litigation related to the application or interpretation of the clauses contained in the Privacy Policy, the Parties shall submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals according to the legislation in force.