Motril - Al Hoceima
Marhaba to Morocco
- Motril - Al Hoceima
Motril - Al Hoceima
Sail for the best price from Motril (Granada) to Al Hoceima, Morocco with Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea.
Check our schedules and book tickets now to travel with your car and avoid waiting at the departure ports.
A trip adapted to your needs, in A BOAT LIKE NO OTHER, the Volcan de Taburiente, new on the line, which has capacity for 1500 passenger and 300 vehicles.
With the best services on boards and dining with Halal food. Everything for you to enjoy the much awaited journey to your home country!
What are you waiting for? Buy your tickets now! MARHABA to Morocco!
All aboard! We’re waiting for you!