Román Quintana Quintana is a Passenger Assistant for the group and has a long history with Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea. He is a member of the crew and provides customer service to passengers on board our vessels. Throughout his years in the company, he has demonstrated a high level of professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm.
What has it been like to develop your professional career at Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea? How did you begin?
I am very proud to work here. I would see all the ships at the port when I was little and always knew I wanted to work on one of them. I began my career on the Volcán de Tamasite as a passenger assistant and I was surrounded by all the company’s ships, and I am now on the Volcán de Tinamar. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed so warmly. My colleagues showed me everything I needed to know, as I didn’t have any experience in this kind of role.
What is day-to-day life like on board?
I start my day by organising all my daily tasks, preparing everything I need to look after the passengers, who are my main priority. I always welcome them in the friendliest way possible, so they feel at home.
After so many years working on ships, which responsibilities do you enjoy the most?
What I like most is looking after the passengers. I used to work in the food industry, directly with the public, and I knew at that point that I loved working with people. Meeting new people and seeing their gratitude for my work makes me feel very proud.
As you know, for some positions in the marine sector we need new blood and there are always people interested in joining this profession. Would you encourage young people to start their professional career at sea?
Of course I would recommend it. If they like working on ships, they will have a job for life. It’s true that you need to enjoy being at sea and life on board, but if you do like it, it’s a great experience and you’ll learn a lot.
What do you most appreciate about working for Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea?
What I most appreciate about working for Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea is all the opportunities I’ve been given and the fact that I’ve been able to grow both professionally and personally within the company. I remember going to my job interview at our head office in Sebadal and the next day they called to confirm that I’d got the job. From that moment on, I have carried out my work with enthusiasm, commitment and responsibility.